You have reached my strange little corner of the internet! Congratulations! Most of what this site has to offer is found in the journal, its a personal site after all. Have fun browsing my website, but most importantly...
Stay out of the sun. Watch your back. And sharpen your knives.

- (05/16/23) Added links page and started about me page
- (05/03/23) Fixed nav bar length, added sum buttons
- (09/02/23) Improved code to copy button
- (05/02/23) Added a mood section
- (08/01/23) Added newest blog entry window, added email button
- (14/12/22) New blog post + more poems !!
- (13/12/22) Added more buttons
- (12/12/22) Added webring widgets
- (27/11/22) Added dream journal and developped about me page
- (19/11/22) Added button and started about me page
- (12/11/22) Added guestbook
- (27/10/22) Removed stamp cuz it looked bad
- (06/10/2) Added a singular stamp
- (04/10/22) Added stickers in right sidebar, finished journal for now
- (03/10/22) Finished blog section of journal, added poetry page
- (01/10/22) Started blog page, added halloween decor
- (29/09/22) Added song of the week, update log

latest blog entry (view more)
March 25th, 2023
[17:01] wassup!! i am obsessed with saw now heheh... i watched the first movie and uh whoops now i love leigh whannell heheh.. i wanna add fanpages to this site that would be kool. ill do one for saw, mcr, leigh whannell maybe idk...
[17:47] also i deleted most of my social media... i kept twitter and instagram so i can chat with my friends and stay in the know or whatever, but honestly i kinda hate being so connected. i wanna downgrade my phone to like an old flipphone or something. i kinda hate the internet. i hate how its designed to keep u traped in and like endlessly scroll. i hate how media consumption has changed too, in terms of streaming services and whatnot. i wanna go back to the good ol days of bluray dvds and public television, even if i wasnt alive for any of that. i wanna collect vhs, and music cassettes too, so i can at least pretend that im not living in this god awful internet age.
[18:00] i dont really have much to say tbh, but i think since im gonna b spending less time on social media, ill finally b able to finish this site lmao